Latino Fashion Week (LFW) entered its 8th year in
2014 and DaShoot Spotlight always gives the good and bad about fashion events. Well, LFW 2014 lived up to its previous
standards of well-produced fashion events.
For starters LFW 2014 was held in a spacious venue at Block Thirty Seven
Stores (huge space). Secondly, the amount of sponsorship that LFW obtains each
year is impressive and I am sure that the amount of sponsorship is a key
ingredient to LFW success.

The VIP area was packed with vendors such as
Phil Stefani’s 437 Rush, Riva Crab House, Tuscany Taylor, Delish Cakes ( and Barefoot Wine
& Bubbly. One of the true indicators
of a major fashion event is the size of the photographer’s pit and LFW has
always provided a huge amount of space for photographers and media. Although,
the space is plentiful that still does not prevent the spot battle that occurs
in the pit; however, it comes with the territory.
LFW is on the scale of “you better get there
early” and claim your territory or better yet “survival of the fittest” when it
comes to the photographer’s pit. Now,
once you have claimed your spot you are sure to get some excellent shots of the
designers clothing line and one of major reasons there is always great shots
from LFW is due to the impeccable runway lighting (see photos from Chicago’s
top fashion runway photographer below).
Finally, LFW is an event that has nothing but a positive upside and if
you did not attend LFW this year you have to put this event on your calendar
for 2015.
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Job well done to Arabel Alva Rosales, Cesar Rolon, Jr and
the entire LFW volunteers and team for producing such a phenomenal fashion